We are working on enabling Smart Life (Tuya) through Apilio

Hi Everyone! :wave:t2:

Goodness us that whole announcement regarding the Smart Life end of service on IFTTT seems to have generated quite a lot of ahem comments.

In order to help everyone out in the short term we have gone straight to work :construction_worker_woman:t2: :construction_worker_man:t2: on enabling Smart Life (and Tuya) through Apilio and hope to have that live by the end of May.

Please let us know if you have any feedback or special requests!


Brilliant news, I was hoping i would see this on this forum. If you need any testing ill quite happily be a guinea pig.
One request and this has been a problem through IFTTT is motion sensors. Tuya or IFTTT seem to be having problems pushing motion detection to IFTTT.
But the basics of controlling lights is the most important :slight_smile:


I have one Tuya (Teckin) smart plug that I can use to help test if needed!


If possible can you also get access to Tuya Sunset Sunrise setting, its a lot more accurate then using IFTTT

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Thank you - we will let you know when we are ready for testing!


So this would enable IFTTT > Apilio > Smartlife?


I’m sure admin will correct me but my assumption is that instead of going via IFTTT to “fire” smart life products it will be a direct integration.
For example at the moment if Smart things detects a motion it initiates an evaluation of one of my logiblocks. If positive it will pass the request back to IFTTT then on to Smart Life to turn a light on.
I assume Apilio will still receive the same evaluation request for the logi block and when the result is positive it will hand it directly to smart life to turn the light on


Hi @jhoward15, welcome to the Community! @Drivingforce is right :sunglasses: :point_right: the integration will be direct, from Apilio to Smart Life.

So for example when your logicblock needs to fire an action that turns a Smart Life device on/off, it will go directly from Apilio to your Smart Life devices :slight_smile:

The initial release will only include some Smart Life actions, but not triggers.

The whole A-Team is sprinting to get to the finish line by the end of the month! We’ll be in touch with those of you who could do some testing so they’ll get a sneak peak :wink:


Only actions I need are on/off


Gotcha. Awesome. Let us know when you are ready for testers…


My use cases are straightforward.

  • Timed events
  • sunrise/sunset
  • trigger based on HomeKit alarm state

The sunrise/sunset I agree with especially now that the Smart Life App lets you set either a delay or advance on when sunset/sunrise fires https://i.imgur.com/majIJuZ.png

Timed based events. Do you mean at this time do this. The link between Apilio and IFTTT time and date handles that well. And count time timers after a trigger works will in Apilo Logiblockes.

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OK so (woo hoo!) we are ready for some testers! Who’s up for a bit of a challenge?

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Put me down please. I have 3 lights. One motion sensor. And 2 plug which I can activate (Christmas tree lights)

Awesome, thank you! Test link on its way.

I can test. I have many smart plugs

Test link on its way!

I’m more than happy to test also

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FYI - I haven’t received a link if you sent it

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