Category | Topics |
GeneralThis category is for general chit-chat about Apilio, IoT and the future. As requested by Apilio-user Lawrence Scott (thanks Lawrence).
Apilio UpdatesHere’s where we’ll be sharing product-related information the Community. We might ask the odd question (or two ) through this channel and it would just be sooooo great to get your feedback!!!
Help! Community SupportA place to post questions to the Community for a bit of friendly support and to maybe share how you’re using Apilio with everyone. The main rules are be polite and respectful but then that’s just normal online etiquette right?
Getting Started & How-To'sHi and a warm welcome from all of us at Apilio! Start reading here for an overview of how Apilio works and its fundamental concepts. Enjoy!
Apilio Use CasesHow do you use Apilio? Share your projects and ideas with the Community to help us make Apilio better!
Feature RequestsFor creation of feature requests and to help us prioritise. Please add as much information as possible so it’s clear to everyone what is being requested. Oh and please remember to vote for the feature requests you would like to see implemented!