I need help to get started

Good afternoon !!
I would like help to understand Apilio. I currently use IFTTT to control home air conditioning.
I would like to do the following with Apilio.

  • When you get home if the temperature of the hall is below 22 Degrees turn on the heating.
    (For the temperature I use Netatmo weather and for the Intesishome heating)
    I use IFTTT well but I can’t understand Apilio, I needed an example chart

Sorry for my English

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I have a Boolean Variable called Ubove18 This is the outside temperature that i turn the heating off
I have a condition called below 18 this uses the Variable U18 https://prnt.sc/q1gsk5
In IFTTT I have a applet then is connected to Apilio that if Netatmo outdoor sensor is above 18 then update apilio variable Ubove18 to true https://prnt.sc/q1gul7
Then I have another Applet that sets Ubove18 to false when Netatmo outdoor sensor is below 15

Back in Apilio have Boolean Variable called home and also a condition called home
In IFTTT you need to set this Home to true or False using the right applets
I have a logicblock set up https://prnt.sc/q1gxlm
As you can see it shows the conditions I am using. and the type of linking
Action Settings for positive and negative result
and advanced options
This is the same thing in edited view https://prnt.sc/q1h116 https://prnt.sc/q1h116
In IFTTT you need to set up an applet Apilion and using the IFTTT event name set the temperature you want for a positive result in my case that will be nest to 9 degress if event name ubove18 is fired
Or set nest to 18 degress if negative result fire the below15

Hope this is of some help

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If you want to read a b it for a start, we recommend those two articles:

If you prefer more learning from examples, have a look around in this category:

Hope this helps!

Good afternoon !!

First thanks for the help but something I am doing wrong.

I have created 2 bloolean variables
“I’m home”
“low temperature”
I have created 2 conditions
“cold” is in ifttt when low temperature changes variable to true
“arrive_casa” is in ifttt when I get home it changes variable to true.
Logicblocks are the conditions “arrive_house” and “cold” and if the action is positive it turns on heating.

When I analyze “evaliation triguer” from apilio, it always says false even if the conditions are met

hmmm… that looks all ok to me.
If you check the activity log in IFTTT (https://ifttt.com/activity), does it say that the applets run successfully?
On the screenshots, both variables are on “false”. Did they ever change to “true”?

In IFTTT activity nothing is shown, it is more when I execute from apilio the check always gives me false even if I am at home and the temperature is below what is marked

If IFTTT doesn’t update the boolean variable, then the outcome will never be right. I recommend you double check the IFTTT applets and make sure that the boolean variables are updated correctly.
After that’s working, I think your Logicblock will also work as expected.

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