Call for personal Apilio setups for sustainability

Hi everyone!

Apilio was selected to present at the 1st international Conference on Digitalisation and Sustainability.

To show the potential of smart home automation to contribute to more sustainable living, I’m looking for community projects that support that goal. I would like to showcase some of them (anonymously of course) to show what great projects can be made real with a little creativity, simple hardware and Apilio!

So if you have a setup that is related to energy use (automated lightning, heating / cooling, water usage, …) please contact me via a comment, personal message or a chat!
You would help me a lot and make us happy if we could present a couple of projects from around the world, from simple to advanced.

Don’t be shy and I promise there won’t be any work involved for you :grin:



This is what I was using until I messed up :slight_smile:

Also use motion sensors to turn on lights, and presence sensing to make sure lights and heating go off

Hope that helps :smiley:


Thanks @Drivingforce for the reminder and link - that’s a great example!

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