UNIX Epoch time converter

Is there a way to do the following on Apilio:

  1. convert current date/time to UNIX epoch time and save it as a numeric variable?
  2. convert (current date/time + hours/mins/secs) to UNIX epoch time and save it as a numeric variable?

The reason I would like to have this feature is to pass the UNIX Epoch time as a JSON parameter via REST API to a smart device (which accepts such instructions via its own REST API).

Hi @truckerboy,
that’s a feature Apilio currently doesn’t support.
It would make a lot of sense if we had a DateTime variable type to enable it to do such transformations!

Thanks for you input :blush:

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Thanks. I have moved this to feature requests. Datetime support should be a basic feature along with numeric, string and boolean especially given there is support in Apilio for REST API.