Turn off a door sensor controlled plug after a period of time while sensor is still open

Is there anyway to turn off a plug controlled by a door sensor after a period of time? I can turn on/off my pantry light with a plug and a door sensor, but so ofter the door gets left open. So I’d like the light to turn off after a period of time even if the door sensor is still open. I currently have a IFTTT action to turn off the plug after 3 minutes but it won’t turn off because the door sensor is still open.


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When you set up the logiblock you need to have the 2 event names in positive actions.
So when the door opens the light is turned up then the count down starts before the light is turned off

the door opens the light turns on. (kitchenon in my case)
Then after 5 minutes the light turns off (kitchenoff) Delay 300