Sending variable data to IFTTT - sent in via email

I need to print the value of many variables via ifttt to monitor the status of some sensors. I read in the community that (maybe) it’s possible via webhook / http url. It’s still possible?

The same user says


I found the answer to my question in the community. I need to use the REST API. Unfortunately when I invoke the “Get all” method I get the status 400 with the following error:“error”: “Unsupported Content-Type. Please check the documentation.”


@pebneter please could someone have a quick look?

From the description of the error I guess that the header information

Accept: application/json

is missing.

See our documentation for more info:


Thanks now it’s ok. With Postman it works. Now I can’t configure the IFTTT Webhooks service with the get method. I didn’t understand how to specify the Headers in the “Make a web request” form.


I think the IFTTT webhooks service is not capable of consuming our REST API because it would require to be able to set HTTP headers. As far as I know that’s unfortunately not possible in the IFTTT configuration form.
But even if that worked, to my current knowledge the other server needs to respond in an IFTTT-specific data format. They said earlier that they are working on improving it.

That’s a bit frustrating, I know… :frowning:
Basically you’d like to read various variables (boolean, string, numeric) in IFTTT?

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An old commercial advertisement said … power is nothing without control! :grin:
In my opinion it is important to supervise the state of a system (especially at the beginning). I am trying to manage a home automation system through IFTTT & Apilio and read via Telegram the status of the sensors to check the system logic. Alternatively I could query 3 variables at a time by passing them as an event parameter (value1, value2, value3) … yes, but this approach is hateful to manage. Apilio is a powerful, effective and efficient service and I hope it will complete. Thanks for the support


I’m trying out some things… IFTTT is just missing the ability to set headers with the request :frowning:
btw. it works with iOS Shortcuts - just in case you are an iPhone users.

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So… finished tinkering :wink:
I got it working, but it would need some small changes in our service, because IFTTT doesn’t offer any option to define HTTP headers.
We discuss internally if we want to implement this and how to prioritise.

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Or we could take a vote on it???

Update Apilio IFTTT webhooks to avoid header requirement because IFTTT doesn’t offer any option to define HTTP headers!
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