Request: error handler to be called when an event fails

In the event log, events can either be successful (which they are almost all the time), or unsuccessful. While rare, an unsuccessful event can indicate something quite serious, but given the large number of successful events it can be hard to spot the odd occasion when an event fails.

What would be useful is the option to be notified if an event has failed, with access to the date, time, and event error message. What would be nice might be the option to nominate a logicblock to run as an error handler, with pre-defined “error_date”, “error_time” and “error_event” variables which would allow the causes to be investigated. An alternative implementation would be that if you had a logicblock called “error_handler” then that would be activated any time an event error happened.

The reason I suggest this is that some of my routines were not working as expected, which I finally tracked down to a Tuya device being offline and so not accepting commands. Sure enough, buried in the device logs I could see that the device was not responding, and so I could fix this–but it had been like this for a few days before I noticed. If a notification could have been raised when the error first started then I could have attended to things far sooner and it would have been much easier to troubleshoot.


Yep, I also think that setting up an email for logicblocks which fail is very interesting. It could be limited to, let’s say, 1 email per day, if sending losts of emails may be problematic.


True, but if a logicblock was called then it would be easy to get IFTTT to send out notifications, by email or direct to your phone

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But what if that logic block fails? :grin:

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Or the email notification handler fails? :rofl:

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or the watchdog fails?