Is this Tuya Video Doorbell compatible with Apilo?

Is this Tuya Video Doorbell compatible with Apilo?

Shahzad Godil

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Hey Shahzad, sorry but I don’t have any experience with that one. What are you hoping to get from it into Apilio?

I want condition true whenever that doorbell clicked

The problem with any Tuya device is that we can’t say it will work with confidence because it depends a lot on how the product was designed.
If it was configured nicely by the manufacturer, it will work - and most devices do work fine. But until someone has actually tested one with Apilio, there’s no confirmation.
So if you want to try just make sure you can return it if it doesn’t work.

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And please tell us if you try it so we can add it to the devices list!

Just got a video doorbell today. And it is working great with Apilio.

Clicking on the doorbell button is giving the condition true.

But there is no motion detection condition on this screen

Please help

Shahzad Godil


Thanks Shahzad but we can’t really help with this as we don’t have the device or access to it. Have you checked through absolutely all of the available parameters to be sure there’s no motion detection status?

Motion detection name is PIR and it is there in conditions.

Now everything is working

Shahzad Godil


Awesome - thanks for letting the community know!

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Good to hear @shahzadgodil - I have added that device to our Smart Life Products with Community Feedback list. Thanks again for sharing!

Thank you very much.

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Thank you, looks like my next purchase :slight_smile:
or to wait until matter comes out before I buy anymore smart home gear :thinking:

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That is such a difficult call @Drivingforce…I have a feeling it will be some time untl we have a wide ecosystem of Matter devices.


I am going to implement motion detection in the doorbell but falling.

Now whenever there is motion, it is simply making all variables as per their setting in the doorbell settings.

Now there is the variable “Movement detect pic” in devices.

But I cannot use it in condition.

Please help

Shahzad Godil

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Hi @shahzadgodil,

the Movement detect pic is not supported because that is a media type we don’t support in Apilio (it’s a picture).
I don’t see any status that seems to indicate a presence detection. Probably it just sends the picture if that happens…?
Conclusion: I don’t think you can use that doorbell with apilio :frowning:

Does anyone have a doorbell that works for motion detection and Apilio?

[quote=“pebneter, post:15, topic:1855”]
Does anyone have a doorbell that works for motion detection and Apilio?
[/quote] No, I am alone

I am using Doorbell other feaatuue without any issue