How to use HTTP Shortcuts and Apilio to run on-demand routines

One of the apps we have tested to create widgets on Android phones to evaluate Logicblocks and update variables is HTTP Shortcuts.

This is a free app that lets you use Apilio’s webhooks to create customised widgets that you can tap on your phone screen to launch a Logicblock or update a variable.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Opens the “show” view of a Logicblock in Apilio
  2. Scrolls to the bottom and copies the webhook to evaluate the Logicblock
  3. Open the HTTP Shortcuts app, and create a new shortcut
  4. Enter a name for the shortcut and choose the icon
  5. Edit the basic request settings, leave the method as GET, and then paste the webhook you copied from Apilio
  6. In Response Handling option Display Type (we are still editing the shortcut), choose “Toast popup”
  7. Save the shortcut by tapping on the :heavy_check_mark: icon at the top of the app
  8. Go to your Android home screen and add a widget, search for the HTTP Request Shortcuts widgets
  9. Tap on the widget to edit it and select the shortcut you just created
  10. When you tap on the widget, you’ll get confirmation on the screen that the action to evaluate the Logicblock has been executed.

In iOS, it is possible to create shortcuts that trigger logicblocks, which can be invoked via Siri, icons on the home screen or in the Today’s View (first screen on the left)

You need two actions:

  1. URL
  2. Get URL

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awesome additional information, thanks @teknofilo !

Did you manage to send a sensor reading (say, temperature) to Apilio via a Shortcuts webhook? I haven’t found out yet how to insert a sensor value into a webhook.

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