Help with 2 conditions sunset and light switch off

So here’s what I suggest:

  1. Create a time condition for the timeframe you want the light to be on. i.e. "from sunset to 11pm).
  2. Create a boolean variable to hold the state of the switch
  3. Create a condition based on the boolean variable and require the variable to be false
  4. Create a Logicblock that is connected to both conditions and switches the light strip on or off via an IFTTT action
  5. Use these two applet templates to fill your Boolean variable with data (Switch on or off):
  6. Create two IFTTT applet to respond to the Logicblock actions to forward the commands to the Lightstrip. You can create your own from scratch or check if you can find matching templates in our list: IFTTT + Apilio applets: expanding list with links

Hope this works for you!