I’m new to this thing and I think if I can get this figure out it will help me with my future requirement.
This is what I am trying to achieve:
I have a couple of Wyze Cam that that I want to turn on/off the person/motion detection depending if me and/or my wife is at home or out.
If ME and/or WIFE is connected to Google WiFi, turn OFF person/motion detection
If ME is disconnected to Google WiFi, check if WIFE is connected to Google WiFi, if the later is TRUE, no change in status, if FALSE, then turn ON person/motion detection.
Same If WIFE is disconnected to Google WiFi, check if ME is connected to Google WiFi, if the later is TRUE, no change in status, if FALSE, then turn ON person/motion detection.
I got stuck when I want to check a second condition.
Very cool explanation! But I will need some time to digest and change it to my requirements. But at least there are lights at the end of the tunnel! Thank you! I will take time to go through it in further details.