How to connect Apilio and IFTTT

Apilio’s integration with the IFTTT platform makes it even easier to setup variables and control your logicblocks and actions. This article walks you through the setup of your account and the available triggers and actions.

You will continue to create your variables, conditions and logicblocks with Apilio, but this integration saves you time by pulling your variables and logicblock names from Apilio directly into IFTTT. This way you can select what you want to update and connect, without having to use long URLS and without having to copy and paste between services! We love this integration and we hope you find it helpful too.

:bulb: Want to learn the basics about Apilio? Read our Getting started with Apilio guide to learn more about variables, conditionals and logicblocks.

How to connect the Apilio channel on IFTTT

Click on this link to go to our page in IFTTT:

Alternatively, on IFTTT, select “Discover” (top left corner) to go to the discover page, and then search for “Apilio”.

Select “Connect” to launch Apilio’s login page. Here you can authenticate with your Google account, as you always do on Apilio’s webapp. Once logged in, you will return back to IFTTT.

You can use one of our default applets or create your own using the Apilio actions and triggers.

Apilio’s actions on IFTTT

1. Update a variable in Apilio to true

This action updates boolean variables only to a true status. These variables are very useful to store states that can then be used to evaluate conditions, like knowing whether it is nighttime or daytime, or if you are home or at work.

2. Update a variable in Apilio to false

Same as the action before, but updating a boolean variable to false.

3. Toggle a variable in Apilio

This action allows you to set a boolean variable that was true to false, or, if it was false, to true. This is useful when you have a device that will flip between two states frequently, and you want to have a variable to store in which specific state it is at a particular moment, when you check your conditions for a logicblock for example.

4. Update a numeric variable in Apilio

You can use numeric variables for example to store the current humidity level inside and outside a warehouse. You can then use these variables to evaluate whether you need to open a window to vent the warehouse.

5. Update a string variable in Apilio

You can keep a string variable updated with this action. For instance this is useful if you want to store the colour you want for your smart bulb if you have a missed call (“green”), or someone is at the door (“red”).

:bulb: Do you want to know more?

Have a look at these examples that will show you how to update each type of variable via IFTTT:

6. Initiate a logicblock evaluation in Apilio

This action will pull the names of your existing logicblocks in Apilio so you can select which one you want to run. This allows you to configure a trigger on IFTTT, for example, “every day at 10AM”, and then easily select which logicblock you want to run, like one to decide whether you should water your garden today based on the predicted weather condition.

Apilio’s trigger on IFTTT

1. Receive an event from Apilio

This trigger fires every time IFTTT receives a specific event from Apilio. This way Apilio can tell IFTTT it is time to run some actions! For example, if IFTTT receives the event ‘turn_everything_off’, then IFTTT will get a smart switch turned off.

:bulb: To see a an example triggering a logicblock and an action,go to this article.

If you want to see an easy example that doesn’t need any additional hardware, check out this automation to help you stretch your legs every day!

You can also find more inspiration here in our Community, in the Use Case category.

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Why am I not finding Apilio in IFTTT?
The link goes to a 404 page, and nothing comes up in a search.

Is it just really bad timing on my part that things are changing at IFTTT and this documentation hasn’t caught up yet?

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Hey Chadd, sorry but you’ve somehow found an article linking to our new IFTTT integration which goes live tomorrow afternoon; the article was supposed to be hidden but it’s been put live (probably my fault). I know it’s a pain but if you check tomorrow evening then you should be good to go! Thanks for you patience.

Hi Dan, that’s great to hear that I’m not going nuts and I was just digging into documentation farther than I should have.
Good luck with the integration launch and I’ll be checking back soon!

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Thanks for the considerate reply Chadd.

Hey Chadd, you should be able to find it now and it’s all LIVE! Enjoy.


I’m in! Thanks for the help

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Is this broken again or am I just missing something? When I use the app or web to visit and click “Connect”, nothing appears to happen. Then when I try to handle receiving an event from Apilio at, the dropdown just gives me “Options Unavailable”. It never asks me to enter my API key or do any sort of authentication.

Hey Andrew, we’re not aware of any system issues at this point but will take a look.

Hi @Andrew,
is it possible that you have two accounts, and that you have a logged in session with Google?

For further assistance, can you start a direct conversation with the chat bubble after logging into the Apilio UI?

Yeah for what it’s worth when I connect the Apilio service in IFTTT it seems to work, and it does load my conditions when I create for example a location applet to update, but when I try to setup one of the pre-created Hue applets it says ‘the service could not be loaded at this time’ and my events list doesn’t populate.

Hi @ansago!
I’m not sure where in the applet connection process you see the error message. Is that showing up on IFTTT? Can you paste a screenshot?

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Hey there! This is showing up in IFTTT, specifically when I try to use the pre-built ‘Turn ON a Hue light…’ applet. I’ve attached a screenshot here. It seems the connection to my Apilio account is successful, since when I create a new location-based trigger it does populate my list of variables to update.

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Hmm… I have never seen that message before. I will check if there’s anything in the template that might be wrong.
Thanks for sharing!

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Great, thank you! I’ll keep an eye out - let me know if there’s anything else I can do to assist.


I tested the applet ( with my personal account and did not see the warning. Difficult to say what the issue is - were the Hue lights loaded in the dropdown?
I will ask IFTTT support what the cause for the displayed message might be.

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Interesting. Yes, when I try to use that applet it does load my list of Hue lights no problem. I tested a few other of your pre-built applets and it seems that any of them that need to pull the list of events has the same error, but any that push an update to a variable load the list of variables no problem.

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I was in contact with IFTTT support and they suspect that’s indeed a problem with the Apilio connection, since the list for Hue bulbs loads well.
Can you go to and click on „Edit“?. This will re-authenticate the connection with Apilio. Maybe that will solve the issue.
Do you have multiple Google logins or Apilio accounts?

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